The stomach often becomes a problem area, but there is no need to despair: it is quite possible to tighten your figure in a short time! We are sharing a set of effective exercises to get rid of belly fat at home.

Getting rid of belly fat is sometimes much more difficult than losing weight on your thighs or cheeks. We will show you what exercises remove belly fat, but first we suggest you understand how fat appears in the belly area.
Why belly fat appears: discovery before abdominal training
At first glance, everything is simple: whoever eats a lot will inevitably have a fat belly. But you've probably seen thin girls who don't seem to suffer from gluttony, but still have a bloated belly. And the most annoying thing is that diets and exercises to lose weight in the waist do not always help these girls.
There are two types of belly fat: subcutaneous and internal (abdominal, visceral). The last variety is located between the internal organs and can seriously harm health - this has been proven by scientists. In particular, abdominal fat negatively affects the spine, liver and causes hormonal disorders. The appearance of such fat is a harbinger of diabetes, atherosclerosis and other dangerous diseases. If your stomach is round and dense, then most likely you have faced this problem, and before doing exercises for women to remove the stomach and sides, you should consult a doctor.
The appearance of belly fat is influenced by several factors. And it's not just overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of sleep and stress play an important role, due to which the adrenal glands actively produce cortisol. And if you also eat chocolates or drink alcohol instead of abdominal exercises, your stomach will grow even faster.
Other hormones also affect the growth of the belly - testosterone, growth hormone, androgens, thyroid hormones. It would be a good idea to see an endocrinologist, get tested and get your hormone levels back to normal. But don't hope that this will magically make your abs disappear and six-pack abs appear: you still can't do without abdominal exercises.
Why is it so hard to get rid of belly fat?
"Excess visceral fat is very dangerous and at the same time very difficult to eliminate. This is due to its complex composition, " explains Portuguese scientist Enrique Veiga-Fernandez. Visceral fat is less sensitive to the chemical processes that occur in the body and it takes more time to get rid of it than to get rid of subcutaneous deposits. Exercising at home to lose belly fat may not be enough - you will also need to follow a diet and change your lifestyle.
First, you need to be tested and normalize your hormonal levels - without this, all your efforts will be in vain. After that prepare yourself for a long fight: belly fat does not give up easily, but if you are persistent enough, you will be able to get rid of it over time. Here it is important not to leave what you started halfway, even if there are still no results: continue to monitor your diet (avoiding simple carbohydrates is effective, the diet should be rich in protein and fiber), move in orderactive for at least half an hour a day and do the most effective exercises to lose belly fat and sides. Over time, even the most stubborn fat deposits will yield.
It is much easier to get rid of subcutaneous fat. It makes your stomach look skinny and you can grab it. By doing exercises for women, you will be able to get rid of that belly in just a few weeks.
Rules for performing exercises to remove belly fat
To lose weight from a weak belly, you need to strengthen the muscles and reduce its volume with the help of a healthy diet. Only by completely changing your daily diet can you achieve amazing results from exercise. The combination of cardio and strength training is the key to fully working on reducing the abdominal area. Start your workout with cardio and then move on to strength training. Below we will discuss exactly which exercises successfully remove belly fat.
It is generally accepted that abdominal exercise is the most effective way to get rid of belly fat. This is not entirely true. Too much strength training with weights will lift your abs and make you look square, but will have no effect on your fat. Therefore, be sure to combine strength training with cardio, avoid weights and do not forget about your diet.
The basic rules for effective abdominal exercises come down to the following points:
- combination of cardio and strength training;
- proper nutrition during training;
- exercise at an average pace without weights;
- correct technique during performance;
- systematic exercises;
- regular courses at least 3-5 times a week.
A group of effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach
What exercises should you do to get rid of belly fat? Beginners should definitely start with cardio training. The most accessible cardio includes running, cycling, long distance walking and swimming. At home, a regular sports jump rope can perfectly cope with this type of load. This is the most affordable and compact cardio exercise machine for home workouts.
Jumping rope every day for 10-15 minutes is a great workout in addition to waist loss exercises. Before starting classes, you should do a ten-minute warm-up to stretch the joints and warm up the muscles. Repeat the warm-up exercises 10-15 times on each side.
Warm up before home exercises that burn belly fat
- Stretch your shoulder joints by rolling your shoulders forward, back and in a circle.
- To bring the body into working condition, bend forward and sideways. Bends warm up the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back, forming a clear silhouette of the waist.
- Knead the knee and ankle joints with gentle clockwise rotations.
- After warming up, jump right into your belly fat loss workout.

Jump rope to lose belly fat
The most effective cardio exercises for abs and overall body tone. Try to do it at an accelerated pace to burn more calories. After the jump, you can start strength exercises designed to get rid of belly fat.
- Stand straight, keep your body straight.
- Jump straight up on the rope, rotating only your hands, without extending your arms too far out to the sides.
- Keep your feet together.
- Sit on your toes, trying not to touch your heels on the floor.
At a rate of 80-100 jumps per minute, 0. 2-0. 3 kilocalories are burned, for a 15-minute workout - 200 kcal.

Classic plank - abdominal exercise
The plank is the optimal exercise for losing belly fat at home. It helps to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the back, thus improving the silhouette and waistline.
- Leaning on elbows and toes, feet shoulder-width apart.
- Close your hands in a lock in front of you, relax your neck.
- Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise every day for 3 sets, even on days when there is no general training.

Side plank for flat stomach
When listing what exercises to do to get rid of the belly, many people forget about the side plank. And it is completely useless: such training effectively tightens the muscles.
- Lie on your side, lean on your left arm, bend at the elbow, raise your right arm and place it behind your head.
- Hold the body in this position for 30-60 seconds.
- Do the same on the other side.
- Perform 2-3 approaches on each side in one exercise.

Plank with arm and leg raises for waist weight loss
Another exercise option to lose weight in the stomach.
- The starting position is the same as the classic plank, but the support is not the elbows, but the hands.
- Raise your left and right hands alternately.
- Perform 20 lifts in 3 sets.

Push-ups for losing belly fat
Include this exercise in your belly fat loss fitness routine and you will soon notice the results.
- The starting position is the same as the starting plank, arms and feet shoulder width apart.
- Bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible to the floor.
- Keep your body straight, do not bend at the lower back.
- Repeat 5 times. With each training week, increase the number of repetitions by 1-2. If push-ups from the floor are difficult, try push-ups from a wall or sofa.

Straight crunches - an exercise to lose weight in the stomach
The classic answer to the question of which exercises to remove belly fat at home are crunches. This exercise helps to get rid of fat and strengthen muscles.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees.
- Press your lower back into the floor.
- As you exhale, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, stretch your arms forward, touching your knees with your palms.
- Do not strain your neck and shoulders.
- Gently lower your back and shoulders to the floor.
- Repeat 15-20 times.

Oblique twists for weight loss at the waist
What exercises remove the stomach and sides? Oblique turns of course. An effective workout will tighten your oblique muscles.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees.
- Press your lower back into the floor.
- Using the press, raise your shoulder blades above floor level as you exhale.
- In a raised position, turn the body to the right.
- Extend your arms in front of you.
- Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 15-20 times on each side.

Circles for a slim waist and toned stomach
During the rotation of the circle, all the abdominal muscles are involved, especially the oblique muscles of the abdomen. The belt will help you effectively and quickly model a slim waist. It not only helps burn calories through cardio exercises, but also improves blood circulation in the abdominal area. In a word, this is an ideal exercise for women at home to get rid of belly fat.
- Put your feet together, put your hands behind your head.
- Start rotating the circle with smooth movements from side to side.
- Try to do 88 rotations on each side for 7 approaches. The longer you spin the circle, the faster the result will be visible.
The main mistakes when performing exercises to remove the stomach and sides
- Neglect of diet.I hate to admit it, but no matter what ab exercises you do, they won't be effective enough without diet. So limit simple carbohydrates and alcohol, eat as little trans fat as possible and don't forget about protein and fibre.
- Trying to lose weight only in the stomach.It does not work! Strength exercises for the abdomen have practically no effect on adipose tissue - to eliminate it, you need to perform aerobic exercises, and fat will disappear not only from the abdomen, but equally from all areas.
- Exercises with weights.Your goal is to strengthen muscles, not build them. It is enough to perform abdominal exercises without weights.
- Irregularity.If you do exercises once a week to get rid of the lower abdomen, do not expect results. You should exercise at least every other day, and it is best to do the exercises every morning.
- Trying to lose weight fast.As sad as it is, getting rid of belly fat is not a matter of losing weight before the holidays, but a long story. Work hard and don't be discouraged by the fact that the results will not appear immediately.
Losing weight in the abdominal area is necessary not only for beauty, but also for health. With our waist weight loss exercises, you will reach your goal.